

Richarleson Point du Jour

Age: 9 years

Richarleson is a very sweet boy that loves to play with his class-mates. He loves to give hugs and always greets you with a big smile. He is very smart and loves to memorize bible verses.

Richarleson also loves to dance and often breaks out into his latest moves when the music plays. He is very funny and brings a smile to everyone.

Birthday: July 5, 2012

$12.50 per month - Partial School Sponsorship

$25.0 per month - Full School Sponsorship

Need below has already been covered

$50.00 per month - Full Sponsorship to cover his needs living at our OFHM Children's Home.

or you can make any one time donation. 


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Recent Activity

Name Katie Milholland
Activity Type Donation(Recurring)
Amount -
Date 02/15/25
Name Katie Milholland
Activity Type Donation(Recurring)
Amount -
Date 01/15/25
Name Katie Milholland
Activity Type Donation(Recurring)
Amount -
Date 12/15/24
Name Katie Milholland
Activity Type Donation(Recurring)
Amount -
Date 11/15/24
Name Katie Milholland
Activity Type Donation(Recurring)
Amount -
Date 10/15/24

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