

Women Conferences


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(Your Donation(s) will end after payments.)

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(Your Donation(s) will be Ongoing and can be cancelled anytime.)
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Recent Activity

Name Jim and Kathleen Hess
Activity Type Donation
Amount $300.00
Date 08/21/23
Message Room Payment for Women's Conference
Name Teresa Aldridge
Activity Type Donation
Amount $250.00
Date 07/15/23
Message Womens Conference Santo Domingo
Name Jean Baptist and Anne Laborde
Activity Type Donation
Amount $100.00
Date 07/12/23
Message Women's Conference
Name Gospel Crusade Christian Retreat
Activity Type Donation
Amount $500.00
Date 07/07/23
Message Women's Conference in Santo Domingo
Name Margaret Norris
Activity Type Donation
Amount $1,200.00
Date 06/30/23
Message Womens conference $1100 and Immanuel $100 at Sunshine home

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