Reprioritize Your Funds for Youth-led Solutions
Support us in the youth and healing centered movement against violence!
With a stronger inclination towards healing, BAY-Peace youth are sowing newly envisioned seeds of youth power in Oakland, the Bay Area, across the country and one day throughout the world! Please help us water their success by supporting our final 2019 Fundraiser
In a world where corruption is common; civil unrest is prominent; and militarized governments are devastating entire countries, our quest for peace and youth leadership is CRITICAL. For the past 12 years, we’ve been taking on the ambitious fight of dismantling the Military Industrial Complex but our young leaders have also reminded us about the importance of simultaneously tending to our own garden by prioritizing our health and well being.
This year, we are developing nearly 50 young leaders on a weekly basis! Together, our youth leaders will collaborate across programs to promote better systems and cultural practices that center peace and good health through truth telling, community organizing and liberation art. Simultaneously, they will also be fighting for 2 campaigns that:
- Expands the vote to Increases student agency
- Increases the regulations that mitigate the OPD's use and acquisition of military equipment
This year’s community arts action project is called the “ART (Addressing Real
Truths) Circulo Series: A Healing Trinity.” Our objectives are to:
1. Facilitate a series of 3 healing-centered focus groups unpacking how violence has impacted the health of our minds, bodies and spirits.
2. Survey youth to explore our theory that urban youth of color are experiencing a disproportionate amount of systemic violence that negatively impacts their health with having inadequate support and resources to lead healthy lives.
3. Transform all the research and testimonies into a video production that uses spoken word and Theater of the Oppressed images created by our students
4. Host a screening and health fair for the Oakland Community
5. Tour our ART Circulos and arts production throughout the Bay
Our youth set a $20,000 annual fundraising goal and we need your help meeting our mark of by June 30, 2020! As a youth-led organization, our strengths have been put to the test but even with all of our growth over the past 12 years, none of our work is possible without the love and support of our community members.
Can you support us by re-prioritizing any of your spare funds to help us reach our goal of $20,000?
Here are some photos from our 2019 culminating project!