

HCEE Needs Your Help!

Become a Sponsor Today!

Aloha Friends,

Organized in 1965, the Hawaii Council on Economic Education (HCEE) is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to increase the economic literacy of Hawai'i's students and residents. HCEE implements its mission primarily by promoting and improving the teaching of economic concepts in Hawai'i's public, charter & private schools through teacher training programs and providing grade level K-12 appropriate programs and teaching materials.

Our vision is a State of Hawaii whose people have the knowledge, understanding, and skills to make informed economic choices in their lives and for their community.

HCEE has been providing economic and personal finance professional development opportunities for educators for the past 54 years. With a rich and successful programmatic history,  we have provided over 60,000 hours of hands-on economic and financial literacy training to Hawai'i's educators. Many of our trained educators have locally, as well as nationally, been recognized as Master Economic Educators.  

We are the only statewide organization dedicated to improving the teaching and learning of economics in Hawaii's public and private K-12 schools.​

    In anticipation of the increasing challenges for classroom teachers, we are moving forward with plans to provide professional development opportunities for both elementary and secondary teachers as well as create a network of committed economic and financial educators.  We humbly ask for your financial support in helping prepare our students to be successful in becoming economically and financially sound and literate citizens. Become a sponsor today!


Recent Activity

Name Matthew Liao-Troth
Activity Type Donation, Mailing list
Amount $500.00
Date 01/01/22
Name Sandra Fong
Activity Type Donation, Mailing list
Amount $1,000.00
Date 12/28/21
Name Jason Louie
Activity Type Donation
Amount $5.00
Date 12/27/20
Name Matt Henry
Activity Type Donation, Mailing list
Amount $100.00
Date 09/30/20
Name Kelly Uyeda
Activity Type Donation, Mailing list
Amount $100.00
Date 01/01/20

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