

Giving Tuesday

Help keep motherless children healthy, happy fed, and educated.


I need your help to send 30 motherless children from ages 1 to 7 to school. Could you please ask 20 of your friends to give to Health Support Foundation - Mothers to the Motherless?

#GivingTuesday, Our goal is to recruit 30 Friends (Campaign Captains ) for each Captain to get 20 of their friends to give. If each "Campaign Captain" recruits 20 people to give $50 then that would be $1,000 donated from the Captain’s group. 
If each of the 30 Captains are able to raise $1,000, then we will raise $30,000 to Help HSF Mothers to the Motherless, a 501c organization, keep children Healthy, Safe, Fed & Educated.

You can sign up to be a campaign captain, donate $50, and also tell your friends.  

There are 30 children being sponsored by HSF in Ghana and Liberia. We provide milk, School fees and day care grant, etc. Do you know 20 people who are willing to support this mission?  With our joint efforts, we can a difference in the lives of the children. 

 A little to you is survival for motherless children.

How would you like to support?


Recent Activity

Name William Blagogee
Activity Type Donation, Mailing list
Amount $50.00
Date 12/03/19
Message Help our mother; support our kids
for "Donation of $50 from 20 people will send 1 child to school for 1 year or provide baby formula and additional food supplements to a baby for 1 year. Helping motherless children have a "Happy, Healthy, Fed and Educated" life."
Name Theresa Nyamupachitu
Activity Type Donation, Mailing list
Amount $200.00
Date 12/03/19
Message We admire your work with these children! Thank you for your courage and vision!
for "Donation of $50 from 20 people will send 1 child to school for 1 year or provide baby formula and additional food supplements to a baby for 1 year. Helping motherless children have a "Happy, Healthy, Fed and Educated" life."
Name Armstrong Amos Toe
Activity Type Donation, Mailing list
Amount $250.00
Date 12/03/19
Message It?s very very touching for seen such an incredible mother?s to the motherless vision. May God bless you!
for "Donation of $50 from 20 people will send 1 child to school for 1 year or provide baby formula and additional food supplements to a baby for 1 year. Helping motherless children have a "Happy, Healthy, Fed and Educated" life."
Name arthur williams
Activity Type Donation, Mailing list
Amount $50.00
Date 12/02/19
for "Donation of $50 from 20 people will send 1 child to school for 1 year or provide baby formula and additional food supplements to a baby for 1 year. Helping motherless children have a "Happy, Healthy, Fed and Educated" life."

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