

Birthday pledge

At Lebanon County Christian Ministries, we love birthdays, but we also know some people don't have much cause for celebration this year. By pledging your birthday with LCCM, you can make your special day a joyous occasion for our guests! 

The process is simple. Click 'pledge your birthday' and create your own fundraising page by logging in with your Facebook account or use your email and create a password. You can tell people a little bit about yourself in the description and set a fundraising goal. Then, share it with your friends!

How would you like to support?


Recent Activity

Name Eleanor Sweeney
Activity Type Donation
Amount $50.00
Date 09/10/20
Name Mandi Smith
Activity Type Donation, Mailing list
Amount $25.00
Date 03/24/20
Message Happy Birthday Bubba. Thanks for all the great work you are doing at LCCM!
for "My Birthday Pledge to LCCM"
Name Andrea Gillhoolley
Activity Type Mailing list
Amount -
Date 01/22/20

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