ERONet evolved from Agoro Community Development Association (ACDA)
ACDA was founded in 2001 by a group of women in Kitgum and Lamwo Districts who were widowed, displaced and disenfranchised by the ongoing civil war between the LRA and the Uganda Government.
Many had their land illegally confiscated by the government and corrupt individuals.
ACDA sought to support these women and fought for the return of their land.
ERONet continues the mission of supporting the founding group of women and remains focused on work that supports women and girls and promotes gender equity.
Since 2001 ACDA has completed multiple projects in the areas of property rights, child and enforced marriage, water and sanitation, girls' education, food security and more.
ERONet expands the ACDA scope of work to address the significant ongoing impact on local residents of trans border, ethnically driven conflict in South Sudan.
This has resulted in the creation of a large community of displaced persons, many with ethnic and familial ties with area residents, who are living in the area that ERONet also works with.
Our Mission
To undertake projects that promote the resilience of deprived communities and residents through sustainable interventions in Health, Livelihood & Education with an overarching goal to educate, empower & support local adolescent girls and women who are marginalised, vulnerable, stigmatised and left with no where to go
Founder: Post LRA conflict-displaced people, now directed by Otim Stephen
Domicile: Kitgum, Uganda
Geographical Impact: Northern Uganda
Idea Born: 2001
Joined HSI Community: December, 2019
HSI Relationship: International Certified Grantee
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