

Kora Aid

Supporting our Senegalese colleagues during COVID-19

The ongoing COVID-19 outbreak has affected all of us. Even in communities that are experiencing relatively low case rates, such as Senegal, the restrictions imposed on populations to keep these levels low have severe impacts on the well-being and livelihoods of many individuals.  

Senegal has issued curfews, travel restrictions and banned most gatherings to curb the spread of the virus; efforts which have certainly slowed the spread of transmission but have unfortunately also contributed to some food shortages, loss of income and restricted access to services. In addition, the virtual disappearance of tourism and the fact that remittances from Senegalese working abroad have decreased significantly. 

Furthermore, creative artists, musicians and performers in Senegal are experiencing the cancellation of all concerts, performances and national/international tours. Although performers and artists in Europe and the US must deal with similar setbacks, a small coalition of us in the world-music industry have joined forces to form Kora Aid, with the goal to mitigate some of the hardships faced by their colleagues in Senegal.

The Kora Aid team:

Aywa International, a US-registered 501C3 non-profit working in Senegal that brings together a community of global and local collaborators that are committed to finding and implementing solutions to socio-economic and environmental challenges.

Jaliya Camp, the creative space of Sousou & Maher Cissoko in Abene, Senegal.

Kora Workshop, a small company working across Europe and in Kafountine, Senegal, specializing solely in the West African harp (Kora).

Kumbengo Koras, makers of modern, concert level koras with locations in Colorado, USA and Malika, Senegal.

Kora Aid has created a network of highly committed, capable and creative associates on the ground in several regions and communities in Senegal, including the Dakar/Metro area and the Casamance regions, who will distribute Kora Aid packs containing much needed food and supplies to individuals and families particularly hard hit by the effects of the ongoing crisis caused by the COVID-19 outbreak. Our emphasis will be on members of the griot community, musicians and artisans, but not exclusively.

Kora Aid associates: Abdoulaye Diop, Malika; Aliou Gassama, Ziguinchor, Kath Pickering, Kafountine

One ‘Kora Aid pack’ will contain approximately:

- 10kgs Rice

- 5kgs Onions/potatoes/carrots

- Vegetable oil

- Soap

A ‘Kora Aid pack’ will contain enough calories to nourish one person for close to a month, which means that this person is now not forced to venture outside in search or work or food, at risk of contracting or spreading the virus or violating curfews and travel restrictions.

The cost of one ‘Kora Aid pack’ is $15 US or 14 or £12.

The ‘Kora Aid team’ is raising funds for this program by calling on friends, family, neighbors, donors, fans, supporters, followers, customers, students - in short, anybody who appreciates their work and, more relevantly, anyone who has ever experienced the joy and beauty that so freely flows from the hearts of our good friends and colleagues in Senegal.

Donations can be made to Aywa International through this webpage, if you need a US tax receipt, or to any of the members of the Kora Aid team via Paypal (please send as Friend/Family and note: Kora Aid, and for Euro/GBP donations please send to [email protected] for quickest delivery.

Note: All donations will be directly transferred to our associates in Senegal who will use all funds to purchase supplies to make Kora Aid packs. 

All members of the Kora Aid team and associates in Senegal are volunteering their time and efforts. Nobody involved receives wages and every effort is made to streamline the process, to utilize purchasing advantages, reduce fees and to maximize the amount of funds available to actually assemble the ‘Kora Aid packs’.


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Recent Activity

Name Bernadette Kawara
Activity Type Donation(Recurring)
Amount $10.00
Date 08/13/20
Name Bernadette Kawara
Activity Type Donation(Recurring)
Amount $10.00
Date 07/13/20
Name Bernadette Kawara
Activity Type Donation(Recurring)
Amount $10.00
Date 06/13/20
Name Joshua Doughty
Activity Type Donation
Amount $100.00
Date 06/05/20
Message This is some of the money raised by my online concert last week
Name Lars Hasselblad Torres
Activity Type Donation, Mailing list
Amount $100.00
Date 05/26/20
Message Keep it up Kumbengo - we're in this together!