

20 Years Anniversary & Artists Appreciation Event

3 Day Friends of Generation for Creation Reunion

We are now planning for our 20th Anniversary and to bring back our friends of Generation for Creation for a reunion.  We need your attendance for guest speakers and performers and it will be showcased by virtual participation or at a live event.  We ask that businesses contribute with door prizes, financial contributions, and vendors.  Save the dates for 3 days of getting together April 9-11, 2021.  

Sponsor the event by making a donation.

Advertise your business for $50. Send a video introducing your business or email your business card or advertisement flyer to [email protected].

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Recent Activity

Name Nova Hearing
Activity Type Donation, Mailing list
Amount $300.00
Date 09/04/21
Message Business sooner for event Nova Hearing
Name TaRita Wright-Burrows
Activity Type Mailing list
Amount -
Date 08/19/21
Name TaRita Wright-Burrows
Activity Type Donation, Mailing list
Amount $150.00
Date 08/19/21
Message I would like to sponsor the trophies for the Generation for Creation Talent Contest for the Grandparents' Day Celebration. The 1st place Trophy will be sponsored in honor of my parents (Paul & Kathryn Wright) and the 2nd and 3rd place trophies will be sponsored in honor of my husband (Vincent Burrows).
Name Monica Jackson
Activity Type Registration, Mailing list
Amount $20.00
Date 09/12/20
Message Allow God to use you through your talent.
Name Monica Spencer
Activity Type Mailing list
Amount -
Date 08/15/20

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