

A Virtual 5K for Nepal FALL 2020


Join us for our second virtual 5K to raise support for the people in Nepal!

Now more than ever, the people of Nepal need your help. You can participate in this special virtual event as we raise support to create a computer learning environment in Nepal that provides local students and educators with the technological tools and opportunities they need to prosper.


1. Register: Registration is now open until October 25, 2020. There is no cost to participate and you can complete this event from any part of the world. Be sure to invite your friends.

All participants who complete this event will receive a virtual badge to proudly display on their social media page.

We are also offering a finisher medal and an AO bandana for an added donation. All proceeds will support our work in Nepal.

2. Sweat: You have one month, from today to October 31, to complete a set distance of 5k. That’s about 3.1 miles. This race can be completed at your own pace. Feel free to walk, hike, or run; whatever it takes to complete the entire distance.

3. Celebrate: Once you achieve your goal, you’ll receive a virtual completion badge from AO on November 14. Feel free to proudly display it to your friends on social media with the hashtag #AOVirtual5K

How would you like to support?


Recent Activity

Name Jimmy Liao
Activity Type Registration, Mailing list
Amount -
Date 10/29/20
Name TOA Waters
Activity Type Registration, Mailing list
Amount $31.34
Date 10/29/20
Message Great cause! AO and the AO YPC, Keep up the good work! :)
Name Craig Frischling
Activity Type Registration, Mailing list
Amount $31.34
Date 10/09/20
Name Sonam Sherpa
Activity Type Registration, Mailing list
Amount -
Date 10/07/20
Name Sonam N Sherpa
Activity Type Mailing list
Amount -
Date 10/07/20

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