

School's Open Onsite! Ask Me Anything

An Evening with Schools That are Open Onsite This Fall Sept 23rd

"Social grace, inner discipline, and joy.  These are the birthright of the human being who has been allowed to develop essential human qualities" - Dr. Maria Montessori

Join MNMN hosting a panel of school leaders Wednesday, 9/23 at 7:30 p.m.

Many schools are opening onsite this fall with special procedures in place for health and safety.  We have heard significant curiosity and interest in onsite experiences in our community this year.  MNMN has gathered a panel of school leaders from these schools to take your questions in an "Ask Me Anything" format.  Families, school leaders, school staff, and community members are all welcome to attend.  Based on attendance, we may have dedicated breakouts for these different groups.  

In the spirit of meaningful connection, the format will be an interactive meeting, NOT a webinar.  

Any questions?  Contact [email protected]


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