

Play & Pay It Forward!

Your Gift Helps a Student in Need Receive a Ukulele!

Ukuleles in school and at home are needed to give students instruments on which to learn. They need their own colorful little ukes to play with their teachers and friends in class, to practice with, to strum in between classes, and to share their songs and voices with their families, at home and online. We can give them this lift with "a little help from our friends." The teachers also do their best when supported by brief classroom coaching visits from GITC Online Teaching Artists once a week.

We've created this new campaign to raise classroom music support right away.  If you are a parent or family member wanting to support a student in a GITC Classroom to receive an ukulele for home play and practice we appreciate your donation of $25 to cover that cost. These ukuleles list for twice that much, but thanks to an educational subsidy from our sponsors at Saga Musical Instruments, we are able to help more students learn to play

If you would like to donate above and beyond covering the cost for your student's ukulele, you are invited to donate more so another child can learn to play, too. That is why we call this campaign, "Play and Pay It Forward." In these challenging times many families can not spare money for an instrument and your gift will help their children have an ukulele of their own to play as well.

If you are donating for a specific child in a GITC Classroom, we appreciate you letting us know the child's name, teacher's name and the name of the school.  You will be asked for this information after you've entered YOUR DETAILS in the payment process and hit CONTINUE.  It's the second step in the process.

Thank you very much for giving to this grassroots effort. Together we can help students have their own instruments to play.

Jessica Baron
Founder, Executive Director
Guitars and Ukes in the Classroom


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Please select the total number of Donations you would like to make:

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(Your Donation(s) will end after payments.)

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Recent Activity

Name Anonymous
Activity Type Donation, Mailing list
Amount $30.00
Date 12/01/21
Name Anonymous
Activity Type Donation
Amount $100.00
Date 11/07/21
Name Anonymous
Activity Type Donation
Amount $50.00
Date 09/11/21
Name Elizabeth Cannon
Activity Type Donation
Amount $100.00
Date 08/16/21
Message Given in memory of Vi Risch - a musical mentor to many Minnesota students . She made a difference!
Name Anonymous
Activity Type Donation
Amount $50.00
Date 06/16/21

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