

Support African-American Homeschooling Nationwide

You Can Make A Difference in the Life of a Family

Every child deserves a first class education, and home education or parent-directed education can make a huge difference - by offering customized and tailored learning tools with flexibility. 

The National Black Home Educators (NBHE) is asking you to help us to help families who just want to be on the frontlines of their children's education.  Parents want their children to be successful at learning, and you can help us set the stage for this.  We (African Americans) need curriculum that tell our stories about our heroes so our children can know their heritage. Every one should hear stories that impact their heritage and that will inspire them to live better.   

We need donors and partners like you to come alongside these bold families by supporting their right to guide their child's education, and empowering them during this time.

Please give now to help us make homeschooling possible for children and their families.      

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Recent Activity

Name Kyrie Irving
Activity Type Donation, Mailing list
Amount $24,240.00
Date 08/27/23
Message GOD first.
Name Robert Doty
Activity Type Donation, Mailing list
Amount $250.00
Date 02/09/23
Message Under the nom de plume Edward Doten, Author, Duke of York: Father of Americas Slave Society, a comprehensive history of American slavery for schooling.
Name Karen Hudson
Activity Type Mailing list
Amount -
Date 06/11/22
Name Moncrieffe Family
Activity Type Mailing list
Amount -
Date 02/02/22
Name Anonymous
Activity Type Donation, Mailing list
Amount $25.00
Date 09/15/21
Message Thank you so much for taking a strong stance against toxic ideologies like Critical Race Theory. Division based on immutable characteristics will always be deeply wrong?I wish more organizations had your courage - to say what they know to be right, even if that isn?t popular :)

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