
Monday Night and Underwood Hills Park Fundraiser

Tie one on for a feel good throwback evening of music

Join us Sunday, October 25 from 7:30-9:30 for a feel good throwback evening of music, benefitting the playground equipment for Underwood Hills. Tie one on, mask up, bring some chairs and end enjoy a night of throwback tunes and lets support our neighborhood park!  Music starts at 8pm, tickets are $20 for this event. Covid precautions in place. 

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Max Per Order:30


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Recent Activity

Name Bert Jacobs
Activity Type Ticket, Mailing list
Amount $60.00
Date 10/25/20
Message Excited to help out with new playground equipment!
Name Anna Rudolph
Activity Type Ticket
Amount $40.00
Date 10/25/20
Name Anonymous
Activity Type Ticket
Amount $20.00
Date 10/25/20
Name Justin Ledford
Activity Type Ticket
Amount $20.00
Date 10/25/20
Name Jonathan Tubbs
Activity Type Ticket
Amount $20.00
Date 10/25/20

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