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DonateSponsor a Student's Tuition Starting at $225.00

We would love to offer this opportunity of learning in nature to students that maybe cannot afford it. Your donation helps a student attend the full ten week session one day a week.
Sponsor a Staff Member Starting at $150.00

Your tax-deductible donation will help offset the cost of us paying one of our wonderful staff members for one week.
Our age group leaders have a group of students that they spend the whole day with leading them around to the different classes, keeping them safe and most importantly having FUN while learning outdoor in nature.
Our teachers share their experience and knowledge in a specified field of study.
Classroom supplies Starting at $360.00
Building Supplies Starting at $10.00

Homegrown students will be building a lot of different things this session.
We need lots of different tools and supplies for this session as well as future sessions.
Garden supplies Starting at $5.00

We have built up a collection of shovels and such, but we still have costs in each session to teach kids about gardening.