Choose a a Way to Support
FIELD SPONSOR Starting at $250.00

Your name and/or logo will prominently hang above one of the Paper Football playing fields.
100% of your donation will go directly to the prize fund!
The more field sponsors we have, the more prizes we can award to the participating nonprofit organization teams.
Cash Prizes will include:
1st - 4th Place
8 Division Championships
Most Points!
Best Costume/Uniform!
Most Fans!
Most Spirit! Best Cheer! Best Sportsmanship!
Oldest Player! Youngest Player!
CHEERLEADER SPONSOR Starting at $50.00

You've Got Spirit! Yes You Do!
Your name and/or logo will prominently hang above one of the Paper Football playing fields.
100% of your donation will go directly to the prize fund!
The more field sponsors we have, the more prizes we can award to the participating nonprofit organization teams.
Cash Prizes will include:
1st - 4th Place
8 Division Championships
Most Points!
Best Costume/Uniform!
Most Fans!
Most Spirit! Best Cheer! Best Sportsmanship!
Oldest Player! Youngest Player!
EXTRA-POINT SPONSORS Starting at $100.00

Games are often won by EXTRA POINTS!
Your name and/or logo will prominently hang above one of the Paper Football playing fields.
100% of your donation will go directly to the prize fund!
The more Extra Point sponsors we have, the more prizes we can award to the participating nonprofit organization teams.
Cash Prizes will include:
1st - 4th Place
8 Division Championships
Most Points!
Best Costume/Uniform!
Most Fans!
Most Spirit! Best Cheer! Best Sportsmanship!
Oldest Player! Youngest Player!
TOUCHDOWN SPONSOR Starting at $2,000.00

Everyone loves Touchdowns!
Your name and/or logo will prominently hang above one of the Paper Football playing fields.
100% of your donation will go directly to the prize fund!
The more touchdown sponsors we have, the more prizes we can award to the participating nonprofit organization teams.
Cash Prizes will include:
1st - 4th Place
8 Division Championships
Most Points!
Best Costume/Uniform!
Most Fans!
Most Spirit! Best Cheer! Best Sportsmanship!
Oldest Player! Youngest Player!
TITLE SPONSOR Starting at $5,000.00

Title Sponsorship makes you our community's MVP. Your donation will cover all of the overhead cost to put on this event - gym rental, game supplies, breakfast for our Referees, lunch for all players, coaches, referees, volunteers and fans and funds to cover our 1st - 4th place prizes.