Choose a Sponsorship
$1,000 Associate Sponsor Starting at $1,000.00

- Inclusion in all marketing for event as an Associate Sponsor Text recognition sponsor listing on registration site and Legal Access website
- Text recognition on e-invitation
- Text recognition on "Supporting sponsor" poster
- Text recognition in the program
- (1) guest
$2,000 Counselor Sponsor Starting at $2,000.00

- Inclusion in all marketing for event as a Counselor Sponsor Logo in sponsor listing on registration site and Legal Access website
- Logo on e-invitation
- Logo on "Supporting sponsor" poster
- (1/4) page ad in the program
- (2) guests
$3,500 "Activity" Sponsor Starting at $3,500.00

- Inclusion in all marketing for event as an Advocate Sponsor Logo in sponsor listing on registration site and Legal Access website
- Logo on e-invitation
- Logo on "Supporting sponsor" poster
- (1/2) page ad in the program
- 3 Guests
- Valet Sponsor (we think this is a great promotion opportunity!)
- Silent Auction Sponsor (this activity still has to be finalized)
- Caricature Sponsor
- Live Music Sponsor (we would love to get live music!) Other possibilities such as Dessert, AV, etc that you would like to be celebrated/recognized for can be discussed.