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DonatePremier Sponsor Starting at $10,000.00
Company name/logo featured on our formal Gala Invitation (logo must be submitted by 8/26/24)
Opportunity for a company representative to participate in a future wish presentation at one of our partnering CF centers, accompanied by the CF care center team and the recipient’s family
Company logo featured as Premier Event Sponsor on opening screen of Gala video
Company logo displayed on our online silent auction site with high traction
Company logo displayed and advertised on relevant Gala material
Company logo displayed on our website
Social media visibility and inclusion in Gala E-newsletters
Private table at the Gala (includes 8 tickets to the Gala)
Presenting Sponsor Starting at $5,000.00
Company logo displayed on Gala video
Company logo displayed on our online silent auction site with high traction
Company logo displayed and advertised on relevant Gala material
Company logo displayed on the website
Social media visibility and inclusion in Gala E-newsletters
Includes 6 tickets to the Gala
Breather Sponsor Starting at $3,000.00
Company logo displayed and advertised on relevant Gala material
Company logo displayed on the website
Social media visibility and inclusion in Gala E-newsletters
Includes 4 tickets to the Gala
Supporting Sponsor Starting at $1,500.00
Company logo displayed on the website
Inclusion in Gala E-newsletters
Includes 2 tickets to the Gala