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DonatePlaque on Salon Wall + MAX Patron Level Membership Starting at $10,000.00

Thank you for your generous donation and your unparalleled support of the arts. We wish to reward you as handsomely as you have donated. Your name will be listed as a Founding Patron on a plaque, proudly displayed on a MAX salon wall. And, we would like to further thank you with a patron-level membership during MAX's first year of operation; benefit level will be determined by your donation amount. +Project updates +your name of MAX's donor page +Artist postcards +8"x10" print of historic Ocala Union Station drawing +Participation in collaborative art project
Plaque on Salon Wall + MAX Patron Level Membership Starting at $5,000.00

What can we say; your generosity has left us speechless. Thank you for your support and donation. We wish to reward you as handsomely as you have donated. Your name will be listed as a Founding Patron on a plaque, proudly displayed on a MAX salon wall. And, we would like to further thank you with a patron-level membership during MAX's first year of operation; benefit level will be determined by donation amount. +Project updates +your name of MAX's donor page +Artist postcards +8"x10" print of historic Ocala Union Station drawing +Participation in collaborative art project
Plaque on Salon Wall + MAX Patron Level Membership Starting at $2,500.00

Thank you for supporting Magnolia Art Xchange and your over the top generosity and support! We want to let everyone know how awesome you are by having your name listed as a Founding Patron on a palaque, proudly displayed on a MAX Salon wall. And, we would like to further thank you with a patron-level membership during MAX's first year of operation; benefit level will be determined by your donation amount. +Project updates +your name of MAX's donor page +Artist postcards +8"x10" print of historic Ocala Union Station drawing +Participation in collaborative art project
Plaque on Salon Wall + MAX Patron Level Membership Starting at $1,000.00

Thank you for supporting Magnolia Art Xchange and your over the top generosity and support! We want to let everyone know how awesome you are by having your name listed as a Founding Patron on a palaque, proudly displayed on a MAX Salon wall. And, we would like to further thank you with a patron-level membership during MAX's first year of operation; benefit level will be determined by your donation amount. +Project updates +your name of MAX's donor page +Artist postcards +8"x10" print of historic Ocala Union Station drawing +Participation in collaborative art project
Plaque on MAX Easel + MAX Patron Level Membership Starting at $500.00

Thank you for supporting the Magnolia Art Xchange. Because you love art as much as we do, your name will forever be remembered with a small, brass nameplate added to one of our studio easels. Your donation will make a true difference. And, we would like to further thank you with a patron-level membership during MAX's first year of operation; benefit level will be determined by your donation amount. +Project updates +your name of MAX's donor page +Artist postcards +8"x10" print of historic Ocala Union Station drawing +Participation in collaborative art project
Participation in Collaborative Art Project Starting at $100.00

Thank you for supporting the Magnolia Art Xchange. Beacuse you're helping the arts flourish in our community, we want to thank you by sending you a voucher for participation in a collaborative art project. Your creation will be incorporated into a site-specific installation in MAX's home, the historic Ocala Union Station. +Project updates +Your name on MAX's donor page +Artist postcards +8"x10" print of historic Ocala Union Station drawing
8"x10" Print of Union Station Starting at $50.00

Way to show your support! We want to thank you with an 8"x10" print of artist Margaret H. Watt's pen-and-ink drawing of MAX's home, the historic Ocala Union Station. +Project Updates +Your name on MAX's donor page +Artist postcards
Set of Three Artist Postcards Starting at $25.00

Thank you for supporting the Magnolia Art Xchange. As a token of our appreciation, you will receive three postcards, with each featuring artwork of a MAX-affiliated artist. +Project Updates +Your name on MAX's donor Page
Thank You & One Limited Edition Postcard Starting at $10.00

Thank you for supporting the Magnolia Art Xchange. When we reach our goal, your donation will more than double thanks to the City of Ocala who will then provide capital improvements necessary to support programming. You are a friend of the arts and are making a difference in our community. Be on the lookout for project updates and your name on the donor page of MAX’s website.