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DonateDollar Sunfish Supporter Starting at $30.00
Dollar Sunfish (Lepomis marginatus) are a species of conservation concern in Missouri. Dollar Sunfish are similar to the brightly colored Longear Sunfish, but they have silvery blotches on their ear flap. Dollar Sunfish have only been found in a handful of collections from southeast Missouri.
Jewelwing Damselfly Supporter Starting at $50.00
Ebony Jewelwing Damselfly is a species of broad-winged damselfly - one of about 150 species from the family Calopterygidae.
River Darter Supporter Starting at $100.00
River Darters (Percina shumardi) are a species of conservation concern in Missouri. River Darters are found in the Mississippi River and the ditches and streams of the bootheel. River Darters are found in deep chutes and riffles with swift current and coarse substrate.
Freckled Crayfish Supporter Starting at $250.00
Freckled Crayfish (Cambarus maculatus) are found only in the Meramec River Drainage of Missouri and no-where else in the world. The streams of this region are very clear with high gradients. Freckled crayfish can be found beneath rocks and boulders.