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Platinum Sponsors receive VIP seating for 20 guests (two tables), company name and logo on two posters displayed in 54' x 34' shadow boxes on the front facade of The Edison Ballroom, thank you posts leading up to the event featuring your company’s name and logo on foundation’s social media pages reaching 160k+, special thank you with company name and logo in video shown at the event, company name and logo on the step & repeat displayed at the event, honorable mention from the stage, company name and logo displayed prominently on glass panels in the main ballroom, scrolling display of logo/name on all (18) display screens at the event, company name and logo prominently displayed on event and foundation website.
Gold sponsors will receive receive VIP seating for 10 guests (one table), company name on the step & repeat displayed at event, thank you post featuring your company’s name and logo on foundation’s social media pages reaching 160k+, company name and logo displayed on glass panel in the main ballroom, company name and logo in video shown at the event, scrolling display of logo/name on all (18) display screens at the event, company name and on the event webpage.
Silver sponsors will receive VIP access for five guests, scrolling display of name and logo on all display screens (18) at the event and on the event webpage.
Bronze sponsors will receive VIP access for two guests, scrolling display of name and logo on all (18) display screens at the event and on the event webpage.
Presenting Sponsors receive VIP seating for 30 guests (three tables), company name and logo on marquee, thank you posts leading up to the event featuring your company's name and logo on foundation's social media pages reaching 160k+, honorable mention from the stage, company name and logo in the video shown at the event, company name and logo on two posters displayed in 54' x 34' shadow boxes on the front facade of The Edison Ballroom, stage time at the event where you have the opportunity to introduce yourself and/or your business as the Presenting Sponsor (three minutes) , company name and logo on standing posters on the stage, company name and logo on the step and repeat displayed at the event, company name and logo prominently displayed on glass panels in the main ballroom, scrolling display of name/logo on all (18) display screens at the event, prominent listing on event webpage and foundation website.