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Available Sponsorship Opportunities:
This sponsorship covers the expenses for feed, grooming, vetting, farrier (care for the horses hooves), and all other needs for caring for this animal.
Horses Available for Sponsor:
Sunny - 15 year old Half Linger Mare who was rescued in April 2022 from a kill pen.
Fig Newton - 22 year old Pony of the Americas Mare who lost an eye in an accident. She still gives beginner lessons and is lovingly cared for.
Kashi - 19 year old Quarter Horse Percheron mix mare who was rescued by the barn from abuse.
Petunia - 7 year old Quarter Horse mare used for therapeutic riding lessons.
Wilbur - 10 year old Spotted Donkey donated to the farm. Wilbur works with many veterans suffering from PTSD.
Paddie Cakes - 20 year old miniature horse.
Seymour - 10 year old miniature donkey.