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Sponsorship Opportunities:
2 teams of 4 golfers, tournament sponsorship recognition with company logo on promotional materials, Own-a-Hole, helps fund 4 Veterans on a flight.
1 team of 4 golfers, Own-a-Hole, company logo on promotional materials, helps fund 3 Veterans on a flight.
Company logo on promotional materials on roaming beverage cart, Own-a-Hole, company logo on promotional materials, helps fund 2 Veterans and provides water on a day of flight.
Exclusive sponsorship of golf tournament towel with Southwest Florida Honor Flight logo. Includes company logo on all-weather 18" x 24" sign displayed on island and approach to 10 as well as on all promotional materials.
includes company logo on all-weather 18" x 24" sign on the 1st, 9th or 18th holes, helps fund 1 Veteran on a flight.
Includes company logo on all-weather 18" x 24" sign at various location on the course at the discretion of tournament chair, helps defray flight day expenses.