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Includes a Golf Team of 4 (green fees, cart fees, caddie fees (not tip)), all food,beverages, entertainment, welcome gift bag for each golfer, social media and verbalrecognition at event, logo/name on banner/sign at event, logo/name on our website forsix months, and one night in a cottage at Bluejack National on night of event (canhouse up to eight people). Limo service to/from event for golfers.
Includes a Golf Team of 4 (green fees, cart fees, caddie fees (not tip)), all food,beverages entertainment, welcome gift bag for each golfer, social media and verbalrecognition at event, fogo/name on banner/sign at event, fogo/name on our website forsix months, and one night in a cottage at Bluejack National on night of event (can house up to eight people).
Includes a Golf Team of 4 (green fees, cart fees, caddie fees (not tip)), all food,beverages, entertainment, welcome gift bag for each golfer, social media and verbalrecognition at event, logo/name on banner/sign at event, logo/name on our website for six months. Four custom Bluejack Whiskey sets.
Social media and verbal recognition at event, logo/name on banner/sign at event.One Custom Bluejack Whiskey set. Booth at event for advertising.
Social media and verbal recognition at event, logo/name on banner/sign at event.Booth at event for advertising.
Social media and verbal recognition at event, logo/name on banner/sign at event.
Social media and verbal recognition at event, logo/name on banner/sign at eventand at breakfast station.
Verbal recognition at event, logo/name on banner/sign at event and at foodstations.
Verbal recognition at event, logo/name on sign at hole at event.
Verbal recognition at event, logo/name on banner/sign at event.