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We are very excited for the opportunities that we have for you to walk alongside our Thanksgiving day DASH for Adoption and reunification emergency needs. We are sure that you will be able to find a level that is comfortable for you but helps us out a great deal.
• Company name used in the event title• Opportunity to speak at the race• Name and logo at the race site• Large logo and name on T-shirts• Table/booth space available at the race• Name and logo on website/social media, printed materials• Promotional inclusion of up to 300 racer registration bags• Free entry fees for 10 race participants
• Acknowledged at the race• Name and logo used in all event promotions• Name and logo at the race site and on T-shirts• Table/booth space available at the race• Name and logo on website/social media, printed materials• Promotional inclusion up to 300 racer registration bags• Free entry fees for 5 race participants
• Acknowledged at the race• Name and logo used in all event promotions• Name and logo at the race site and on T-shirts• Table/booth space available at the race• Logo on website/social media, printed materials• Promotional inclusion up to 300 racer registration bags• Free entry fees for 5 race participants
• Name or logo at race site • Logo on website/social media, printed materials• Promotional inclusion up to 300 racer registration bags• Free entry fees for 2 race participants
• Logo or name on displayed at the designated station
• Logo or name on digital promotion, including website/social media• Promotional inclusion of up to 300 racer registration bags• Free entry fees for 2 race participants
• Logo or name on displayed on the course
• Logo or name on digital promotion, including website/social media
• Promotional inclusion up to 300 racer registration bags
• Free entry fee for 1 race participant