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Your name will be located in the field, at the first base hit line.You will also receive a social media shout out.
Your name will be on signage in the field at the 2nd base hit line.
You will also receive a social media shout out.
Your name will be on a sign on the third base hit line.You will also receive a social media should out
Your name will be on signage on the field at the home run line. This level is exclusive, only one sponsorship available.
*****************SOLD OUT*****************************
(Lead us in singing...)
You'll receive signage at the Dugout/Home Plate and also get a social media shout out.
What's a ball game without cracker jacks, nacho's, peanuts and soda? Your sponsorship at this level will allow us to provide these.You'll receive signage at the concessions and also get a social media shout out.
(Crackers Jacks, Nachos, Peanuts, etc.)
Your sponsorship will allow us to rent bleachers for spectators to watch the game from and you'll have signage on the bleachers.You will also receive social media shout outs.
********************SOLD OUT***************************