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Sponsorship Opportunities:
*AIM retains the right to reject sponsors, auction items, signs, social media messages, and swag bag items that are not consistent with our commitment to fostering a vibrant and respectful community for people with IDD and their supporters. For sponsorships eligible for inclusion on flyers and t-shirts, to receive this perk AIM must receive all sponsorship materials by August 30th and for swag bags by September 15th. If our event reaches capacity, sponsorships received after that point will no longer be eligible to receive event registrations.
1. Fun Run T-Shirts. *
2. Event Flyer that will be distributed to 100+ businesses throughout Central Texas. *
3. AIM’s website and newsletter, along with link to company’s website.
* See the note at the top of this page for deadlines.
1. Fun Run T-Shirts *
3. AIM’s website and newsletter.
* See note at the top of this page for deadlines.
1. Event Flyer that will be distributed to 100+ businesses throughout Central Texas *
2. AIM’s website and newsletter