"3 Event" Pong Sponsorship - $1,750 VALUE: $2,845
Sponsor PingPongforCHARITY, Battle of the Paddles and PUPs and Patriots Ping Pong Events:

ORANGE BALL SPONSOR of 11th Annual PingPongforCHARITY Events
10 Tickets to Celebrity/VIP SlamFEST Party and mingle with The 2019 Celebrity Guests and Pros, Silent Auction PLUS Food and Adult Drinks
4 complimentary tournament entry/registrations
Company listed on T-Shirts provided to all event participants.
Company listed on 10,000+ flyers/brochures distributed locally
Company LOGO on over 10,000 flyers/brochures distributed locally
Company Mention in 2 Email Marketing Campaigns to 2,000+ email addresses
LOGO/Link on PingPong.GIVES AND PingPongforCHARITY Events Page

RED PADDLE Sponsor of the 4th Annual Battle of the Paddles School & Scholarship Events
Logo on Battle of Paddles Website
Logo on Player Registration forms
Recognized as Food/Lunch Provider during the Event
Signage / Table at the Event
Speaking Opportunity at the Event

Recognized as "MUTTS MISSION" Sponsor of Pong for Pups & Patriots Event
6 complimentary tournament entry/registrations
Company listed on T-Shirts provided to all event participants.
Company logo on Pong for Pups & Patriots Website Page
Set Up Table / Signage At Event