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Your generous donation feeds and provides bedding for one mini pig (Ayla, Falcor, Meg, or Michael) for a month.
Your generous donation provides Orchard hay and feed supplements for Fern the Awesome Alpaca (or Woodrow or Gus or Gandolf) for a month.
Your generous donation provides feed and care (eg, fly masks, farrier, vet) for Phinneas and Donkey for a month (OR care for four mini pigs plus a piggy pool).
You are a major donor! Provides weekly care and support for special needs animals, including micro-chips, vet care, rain sheets, and toys. Your name goes on the Giving Tree.
You are a major donor! Provides daily care at the ranch and the ability to expand our rescue for additional animals! You are listed on our Giving Tree.
As a Royalty donor, you support our daily rescue and therapeutic programming mission. You earn top listing on our Giving Tree and VIP status on all ranch events.