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The Legal First A.I.D. certification training will take place on Tuesday, March 4th + Thursday, March 6th, 2025 (9:30 AM - 12 noon - PST). The training is offered as two 2.5 hour training sessions. Attendance is required at both sessions in order to receive your certification. Once you register you will receive a confirmation email containing the Zoom registration link. The March 2025 training is open to organizations serving all counties. We look forward to working with you!
Registration closes on Thursday, February 27th, 2025, at 3 PM (PST). If you have missed the deadline please contact [email protected] for support. We offer Legal First A.I.D. Certification on a quarterly basis (next training - May 2025). Please be on the lookout for training announcements via our Navigator Newsletter and email blasts to programs.
Certification Cost
The cost of the program is $250/participant. Participants typically use professional development funds through their employer to pay for the program. If you do not have professional development funds available, and are experiencing a financial barrier to the program due to the cost of attendance please email [email protected]. These spots are first come, first served so please email ASAP. It is still worthwhile to reach out to us at anytime to request a fee waiver.
Santa Clara County Serving Organizations - Fee Waiver Due to Grant Funding
Thanks to new grant funding registration fees will be waived (free registration!) for organizations that serve the City of San Jose specifically and Santa Clara County generally. Please ask your supervisor for the fee waiver code, or email Legal Link at: [email protected] for the fee waiver code.
How to Use a Fee Waiver Code
If you have a been provided with a fee waiver code please enter it in the "promo" code at the end of the checkout process once you have answered all registration questions.