

Teen Enrollment Form

Welcome to 2023-24/5784 at Contra Costa Midrasha! Please remember that you need to sign up each teen (in your family) separately. 

Annual Tuition (Wednesday, Annual Gala, & Retreat Deposit)

The full cost to register for the 2023-4 year semester is $1145.00.  This cost includes the annual fee for the weekly Midrasha programming every Wednesday night ($770), two tickets to our March 2, 2024 Annual Gala event ($150), and a retreat deposit fee ($225), which totals $1145.  Remember to register each teen separately. However, if you are requesting a scholarship, payment plan or tuition assistance, use the "Tuition Assistance Application Fee" registration option instead.

Max Per Order:5

Scholarship, Tuition Assistance or Payment Plan: Application Fee

Use this option to request a scholarship, tuition assistance or a payment plan. Sign up for each teen separately.  Please note: $25 is the fee we ask you to pay today. By paying this initial fee, your teen is officially registered for CCM in 2023-24. CCM's Director will follow up with you within a week to finalize your tuition assistance plan for 2022-23.

Max Per Order:1

Retreats: ALL THREE!

This option prepays this teen for all three retreats in 2023-24.  It adds on to the $225 deposit, so that all three retreats are pre-paid. 

6 Reserved
Max Per Order:5

Retreats ONLY 2023-24

Use this option if you are only signing up your teen for retreats for 2023-24. This pre-payment option covers costs for all three retreats and gives you a $110 discount from paying individually.

0 Reserved
Max Per Order:5

Senior Fee

This $100 senior fee covers field trip and graduation fees for Class of 2024 events in 2023-24.

14 Reserved
Max Per Order:2

Weekly Snack Donation - Full Week

Optional. Some parents opt to bring donuts each week, other parents help CCM staff pick this up through this contribution. (Leave the amount at "select quantity" to set this number to zero.)

26 Reserved
Max Per Order:1


Optional. Make a fully tax-deductible donation to CCM today. Use "select quantity" to tell our system how many $18 donations you want to make today. If you want to pass on a donation today, just leave the amount at "select quantity."

7 Reserved
Max Per Order:30