

Skills Lab @Conflict Resilience

Tier E

One-Time Fee - No Additional Commitment Required.

The volunteer will receive restricted access to the Skills Lab and observation status only for Zoom Conflict Resilience Project mediations.  Debriefing Following Mediation is Required.

Max Per Order:30

Tier D

One-Time Fee - No Additional Commitment Required.

The volunteer will receive restricted access to the Skills Lab only.  This restricted access allows scheduled viewing of over 13 hours of recorded mediation sessions, followed by mandatory debriefing sessions (30-60 minutes) via Zoom.

Max Per Order:30

Tier C

One-Time Fee - 1-Year Additional Commitment Required.

Volunteer will receive full access to the Conflict Resilience Project to mediate for the purpose of obtaining Certification with CFMA. Volunteer does not commit to continued mediating beyond obtaining certified mediator* status. Student Membership with CFMA within 30 days of Application (and approval) is required – A yearly expense of $100.

Max Per Order:30

Tier B

One-Time Fee - 2-Year Additional Commitment Required.

The volunteer will commit to one (1) year of continued volunteer mediating as a certified mediator* and full access to the Conflict Resilience Project and/or mentoring other mediators-in-training.  Student Membership (minimum level) with CFMA within 30 days of Scholarship Application (and approval) is required – A yearly expense of $100.

Max Per Order:30

Tier A

Scholarship for Training and Commitment to Serve. Please Call Me for Eligibility.

The Volunteer will commit to two (2) years of continued volunteer mediating as a certified mediator* with full access to the Conflict Resilience Project and/or mentoring other mediators-in-training.  Student Membership (minimum level) with CFMA within 30 days of Scholarship Application (and approval) is required – A yearly expense of $100.  See our Annual Spring Fundamentals of Mediation Training for Approved Scholarship.

Max Per Order:30