

Adult Professional Summer Acting Intensives


This class will focus on the work of Anton Chekhov and Tennessee Williams and the study of the Actors Five Questions, the Visionbox technique based on the work of Earle Gister (Yale School of Drama 1980-1999). Each Actor will work on two scenes, one from Chekhov and one from Tennessee Williams to be performed for a general audience and industry professionals at the end of two weeks study. This class is appropriate for actors new to Visionbox or returning actors.

Max Per Order:30


John Barton's Playing Shakespeare is the textbook for this intensive. Each actor will work on at least one soliloquy and one scene, applying the rules of scansion, articulated thought, character development, and acting poetry to Shakespeare's greatest plays. The intensive will culminate in a performance for a general audience and industry professionals. This is an advanced acting sequence and will help actors in all styles of work.

Max Per Order:30

Audition Acting

This intensive will focus on how to make auditions acting as opposed to performance or result oriented acting. Actors will learn to apply the Actors Five Questions to their audition material including two contemporary monologues and two Shakespeare monologues. This intensive will support actors at all phases of their educational and professional development and will culminate in a showcase for a general audience and industry professionals.

Max Per Order:30