
Retreat with Yenkuei Chuang 3-22-25

Introduction to Insight Dialogue: “Pause and Relax"

with Yenkuei Chuang
Saturday March 22, 1-4:30pm ET

in-person at IWM

Suggested donation: $20-$45 registration + teacher donation* (we encourage you to consider giving teacher dana equal to or greater than what you gave for registration)*


We human beings are intrinsically relational and individual at the same time. How we relate to this paradox lies at the core of our dhamma practice towards freedom and love.

Insight Dialogue is an interpersonal meditation practice based on bhavana (meditation), panna (wisdom), and sangha (relationality). It utilizes six guidelines: Pause, Relax, Open, Attune to Emergence, Listen Deeply, and Speak the Truth. Rooted in silent vipassana meditation, it shares the same intention of developing liberative presence, compassion and wisdom. However, Insight Dialogue is practiced not only in silence but also in speaking and listening. We become aware of the underlying tendencies in our relationships, their impact, and the possibility for different ways to respond. We realize the self as both an individual and collective.

In this 3.5 hour retreat, we will learn about the first two guidelines Pause & Relax. Whether you’re new or experienced with Insight Dialogue, I hope you will join us. Bring your curiosity, patience, and a sense of fun for this new relational experience.

Yenkuei Chuang (she/her) is a meditation teacher, licensed psychologist, and somatics practitioner, ordained in Thich Nhat Hanh’s Order of Interbeing and trained in Insight Meditation and Early Buddhism. She loves writing, parenting, dancing, cooking, eating, and doing nothing. She co-founded the Dandelions of the Heart Sangha in 2010, and has since become a recognized Insight Dialogue Teacher, and a facilitating teacher of Venerable Analayo’s courses on Satipatthana and Anapanasati at the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies.  

Keenly aware of culture, gender, race, class, and other social differences that shape our perceptions and identities, Yenkuei wrote her doctoral dissertation on the Development of Bicultural Competence. Her recent writings have been published in Lion’s Roar (Erased No More, 2020), The Arrow (Dukkha of Racism, 2022), Mindfulness (Yesterday I Died, 2021), and Mindfulness Bell. 

Yenkuei enjoys helping people transform their suffering and find freedom, belonging, and power in the richness of their intersectional identities. She is grateful to the Buddha and all her teachers for showing her how to live happily in the midst of uncertainty and change.  For more information about her offerings, please visit

*In keeping with the Buddhist tradition of dana (generosity), the suggested registration amounts for our classes and retreats do not include any payment for the teacher. The teachers are paid entirely out of the students' generosity. Please consider giving a donation to the teacher in order to support their ability to continue to share the dharma. We encourage you to consider teacher dana equal to or greater than the amount you gave for registration. You may give a donation at the time of registration and/or give later donations through our teacher dana link or in-person at the course/retreat. Everyone is welcome to all of our offerings regardless of ability to donate.

You can give online or send checks to Insight Western Mass, 116 Pleasant Street, Suite 242, Easthampton, MA 01027. FYI: we check for mail once per week.


IWM at Eastworks; 116 Pleasant St, Suite 242, Easthampton, MA

Chairs and cushions available.

Please bring your own covered water bottle.

Covid Protocols:

• Masks optional

• If you have COVID concerns (new symptoms or think you've been exposed), please stay home and join us via Zoom.

• Field Control Trio Plus portable air purifier will be running (H13 HEPA with an ultraviolet light component).

Registration Option $20


Registration Option $32


Registration Option $45


Registration - Benefactor


Registration - no one turned away for lack of funds. Please consider giving teacher dana as you are able.

No one turned away

Donate by check

Send checks to: Insight Western Mass, 116 Pleasant Street #242, Easthampton, MA 01027. When sending a check, please specify how much is for registration and/or teacher dana.

Donate by check