
Dharma Talk with Peggy Gillespie - 2-5-2025

Is it possible (or wise) to cultivate gratitude in the midst of suffering?

An Open Community Practice and Dharma Talk

with Peggy Gillespie

Wednesday February 5th 2025, 7:00-8:30pm ET

In-person/hybrid at IWM

Suggested donation: $7-25*

Practice together with other sangha members in a relaxed atmosphere (7:00) and enjoy a dharma talk (7:35).

The teacher requests that you wear a mask when attending in-person. If you have COVID concerns (new symptoms or think you've been exposed), please stay home and join us via Zoom.

Description: In the Buddhist world, we are so often told by our teachers to practice gratitude, compassion for others, and self-compassion. Tara Brach urges us to practice "Radical Acceptance," no matter what is happening in our personal or wider world. Of course no one is telling us to sit idly by and count our blessings while others suffer. Let's talk together to see how we can more skillfully navigate the road between cultivating gratitude and acknowledging that we are feeling somewhat miserable.

Peggy Gillespie was the original Assistant Director under Jon Kabat-Zinn, of the UMass Medical Center's Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program in Worcester. She was trained as a Community Dharma Leader at Spirit Rock with Tara Brach and James Baraz. Peggy is the co-Buddhist Advisor at Mt. Holyoke College (along with Adi Bemak).  She was on staff at IMS in Barre, MA  during its second year in 1978.  She is on the core team of the remarkable IMS summer teen retreat and has been doing this for over 15 years.  She is the co-founder and director of the national non-profit organization, Family Diversity Projects, and has been the interviewer/editor for all 8 of their traveling photo-text exhibits and 4 published books including the recently released book and exhibit: AUTHENTIC SELVES: Celebrating Trans and Nonbinary People and their Families (2023 Skinner House Books). Visit for more information.

*If you have the means, please consider a donation tonight. Dana, which is the ancient Pali word for “generosity”, is a fundamental aspect of the Buddha’s teachings. Our teachers have historically received 60% of the dana given for dharma talks, and while this is still true, since the pandemic, we do make sure teachers receive a minimum guaranteed amount. Insight Western Mass operates entirely on the sangha's acts of generosity. Those who donate more are helping to make the center accessible to all. Everyone is welcome to all of our offerings regardless of ability to donate.


You can give online or send checks to Insight Western Mass, 116 Pleasant Street, Suite 242, Easthampton, MA 01027. FYI: we check for mail once per week.


IWM at Eastworks; 116 Pleasant St, Suite 242, Easthampton, MA

Chairs and cushions available.

Please bring your own covered water bottle.

Covid Protocols:

• Please wear a mask when attending in-person.

• If you have COVID concerns (new symptoms or think you've been exposed), please stay home and join us via Zoom.

• Field Control Trio Plus portable air purifier will be running (H13 HEPA with an ultraviolet light component).

Zoom Link
Password: 242. 

Dial in by phone for audio only: Call (646) 558-8656. Meeting ID: 943 156 1684. Password: 242

Or cut and paste this URL into your browser:


Max Per Order:30

Donate $25

Max Per Order:30

Donate $20

Max Per Order:30

Donate $15

Max Per Order:30

Donate $10

Max Per Order:30

Donate $7

Max Per Order:30

No one turned away for lack of funds.

No one turned away
Max Per Order:30

Donate by check

Send checks to: Insight Western Mass, 116 Pleasant Street #242, Easthampton, MA 01027. When sending a check, please specify which Dharma talk (date/teacher). 

Donate by check
Max Per Order:30