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Tuesday, Feb 18 – Friday, Feb 21 | 9am* - 12pm (*Drop-off begins at 8:30am)
$30 per day | $100 full week
Kids love having a choice of activities, and they also like having some flexibility to try different things (don't we all?), so we built that in to our daily drop-off program! Kids get to choose their activities each day from Arts & Crafts, STEAM projects, and Games & Active Play. Three hours of hands-on fun with the guidance of a professional educator and help from teen volunteers.
What to pack: Snack & water bottle; Winter gear: snowpants, boots, mittens/gloves, and hats for snow play (weather-permitting). Don't forget to pack a lunch if your child is staying for any of our afternoon programs!
Tues, Feb 18 | 9am-12pm
(Drop-off 8:30am)
Wed, Feb 19 | 9am-12pm
Thu, Feb 20 | 9am-12pm
Fri, Feb 21 | 9am-12pm
Tues - Fri | 9am-12pm