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Owl Lab: "All About Owls!"
Tuesday, Feb 18 | 1-2:30pm | $15
Geared for ages 6-10 (Children age 5 may attend with adult)
The “Wise Old Owl” has symbolized many things throughout history. There are several hundred species and they can be found in nearly every environment in the world, from deserts to coniferous forests to the Arctic tundra. In this hands-on class for young wildlife enthusiasts, we will talk about the owls of Massachusetts, owl adaptations, the owl lifecycle, and owl fun facts. We will then examine real owl pellets through a hands-on scientific dissection.
Presented in partnership with Opacum Land Trust
Tues, Feb 18 | 1-2:30pm
Supervised lunch 12-1pm on Tues, Feb 18
*This option applies to AM drop-off program registrants only