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Candle Making Workshop Wed, Feb 19 | 1-2pm | $25
Ages 5+ ***Adult participation is required for ages 5-9 - no additional fee. Children 10 & up may attend as a drop-off program.
With no melting required, this workshop is designed for ages 5 and up. It is a safe and enjoyable experience, free from hot wax. Each participant will have the chance to craft their own vibrant candle using non-toxic, granulated colored wax. Through this creative activity, participants will have the opportunity to use their imaginations and layer the colored waxes, resulting in an abstract colorful candle.
Gariné Arakelian is an artist and potter, running Kulina Folk Art with partner Rick Hamelin of Pied Potter in Warren, MA. A recipient of a Massachusetts Cultural Council “Keepers of Tradition Award” recognizing outstanding practitioners of craft, music, dance, and sacred arts, Gariné has taught at Worcester Art Museum, Fitchburg Art Museum, Worcester Center for Crafts, Quinsigamond Community College, and Summer’s World Center for the Arts.
Wed, Feb 19 | 1-2pm
Supervised lunch 12-1pm on Wed, Feb 19
*This option applies to AM drop-off program registrants only
Please note that any child under age 10 registered for the candle-making workshop must be accompanied by an adult.