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$10 per person | $35 max per family
Free for children under 5
Ed Popielarczyk is a professional magician, balloon sculptor, flea circus ringmaster, and storyteller who has entertaining children and family audiences for over 40 years. He has been sought out by the news media as an expert on what makes children laugh.
Ed's magic show is a comedy show focused on audience participation - the kids are the stars because they make the magic happen. He doesn't just “do a trick,” he tells a story that revolves around each one. It may be a short story or a longer one, but each story helps to bring the trick together. Every child who comes on “stage” to be a helper receives a souvenir!
$10 TICKET (Ages 5 - Adult)
$35 for 4+ (Age 5 - Adult)
Free Admission for Children under 5
Supervised lunch 12-1pm on Fri, Feb 21
*This option applies to AM drop-off program registrants only