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Welcome to the Annual Chili Cook-Off!
Join us for Second Harvest of the Greater Valley’s Annual Chili Cook-Off!
Your participation supports our mission of fighting hunger in San Joaquin and Stanislaus Counties, with all proceeds from this event directly benefitting our efforts to provide food for our neighbors in need.
Get ready for an evening of delicious chili, spicy competition, and fun for a great cause. Prizes will be awarded for First Place, Second Place, Third Place, and the crowd-favorite People’s Choice Award. Additionally, there’s a special prize for the most creatively decorated table, known as the "Hottest Table." At the end of the event, the judge’s scores, table scores, and popular votes will be calculated to determine the
To ensure compliance with health department regulations all chili must be prepared and cooked on-site in our kitchen at the Manteca Transit Station. If you have access to a cottage kitchen, a professional kitchen, or are a restaurant or caterer, you may prepare your chili in your kitchen, provided you can supply proof of inspection by the health department. Professional chefs and caterers preparing chili in a County Health Department-inspected facility will also need to provide proof of inspection when submitting their registration packet. Our team will work closely with each chef to ensure sufficient time is allocated for chili preparation in a crockpot or double boiler.
We’re excited to see you showcase your creativity and culinary flair, adding the perfect blend of local spice to this year’s cook-off.
Let’s come together to fill bowls, warm hearts and make a difference in our community!