
Calling All Runners and Dancers!

Registration starts at 8:00am. See you at the starting line!

Family - 2 Adults/2 Children

March 25, 2023 - 9:00 AM (receive 2 Adult Race t-shirts & 2 Kids Race t-shirts). Please check in at the check-in table upon arrival.

Max Per Order:30

Team - 4 or More Participants

March 25, 2023 - 9:00 AM (teams will receive Race t-shirts for each member of the team). Please check in at the check-in table upon arrival.

Max Per Order:30

1 Adult Registration

March 25, 2023 - 9:00 AM (receive 1 Adult Race t-shirt).  Please check in at the check-in table upon arrival.

Max Per Order:30

1 Youth Registration

March 25, 2023 - 9:00 AM (receive 1 Youth Race t-shirt). Please check-in at the check-in table upon arrival.

Max Per Order:30