About Me
I'm from Cabañas, La Paz, Honduras. I met the Missioners in 2006 at a retreat called “Your Life is Mission” in my parish. What impacted me most was the joy that the missionaries conveyed. They truly reflected the love of Christ in a way that was real and authentic. A few years later, I began to learn more about them through retreats and visits, and in 2014 I was invited to live a mission experience in the mountains for a full week. It was a shocking, unique and extraordinary experience that changed my life. Faith, testimony, and the total dedication of the people touched my heart so much that I could no longer hide. That's when my call to the mission began, something that wasn't in my plans. I’ve currently been living in the mission for 6 years, serving full-time, and these have been the best years of my life. I have received more than I can give. The community is truly a gift. Here I found a family, a home, a place of encounter with myself and with God. Every day is a miracle, every day I discover something new.
My Vocation Process
God has called me to serve as a consecrated layperson in the community of Missionaries of Christ. After a long time of discernment, this year I have made the decision to begin the process of answering His call to give my life completely to God in a permanent vocation through the community. In this way I want to fulfill Jesus’ great commission to go and make disciples of all the nations, for the rest of my life.
By making the decision to answer this call, I accepted the fact that I would depend spiritually and financially on a mission team that would be the people God would put in my path. I recognize that I have not been called alone in this mission.
If you have come this far and feel called to be part of my team in prayer or financially and would like to know more details, it would be a blessing to be able to contact you to share this mission with you more thoroughly.
Thank you and God bless you. I'll be prayin