

Verso l' alto (to the heights)

by Elias Gamez

My name is Elías Daniel Gámez, I am 21 years old. I am from Siguatepeque, Honduras. Fatima Parish and I met the Missionaries of Christ at a Bread of Life retreat in 2015. I saw that the Missionaries had an incredible love in serving others. Their testimonies inspired me, I felt a strong desire to be part of the Mission and that God wanted something from me. After a while I began the discernment process with the community and in 2017 I joined. That first year helped to strengthen me in faith, talents and self-improvement.

In 2018 I felt the desire to be part of the project in the mountain, and after a time of discernment I felt the call to work in the development of a youth camp with other missionaries, after the year of the apandemia everything was paused and I left the mission to work and study, after a few years I returned to serve more present in the middle of the year 2022 in the area of camping and supporting in the area of promotion and development of the missionaries of christ, since the beginning of the year 2023 I work in frassati Camp with the director of FC, I am the director of the area of promotion of the MOC, supporting in development, in local evangelization events to make the mission more known, also as in charge of the digital platforms, showing through social networks the mission (MOC) I am passionate about using my gifts and talents for evangelization.

I invite you to join my missionary team through your prayers and monetary support. Together we can spread the love of christ!

Thank you for all your support and prayers!

If you have any questions send me an email at [email protected]

How would you like to support?

