

Katja Randazzo

My name is Katja Randazzo! I have been blessed to be given the opportunity to serve the poorest of the poor in Comayagua, Honduras with the Missioners of Christ. I have been fortunate enough to experience multiple missions, but for several years I had a strong call to serve Jesus in a radical way. The poor have a special place in my heart and as Mother Teresa of Calcutta says, "the most terrible poverty is loneliness, and the feeling of being unloved." Mission gives me the chance to build intentional relationships with these people who are suffering and to show them God's radical love and hope for them. I know this new chapter will have many joys and sorrows, however, I'm ready to be stretched in new ways in order to be at His full disposal. 

Before answering this call to mission, I was a public school system teacher in Maryland. I was a special educator that worked with students with a variety of disabilities. I enjoyed working with students with disabilities because they showed me a different perspective of the world. They challenged me daily to be the best version of myself and to love like Him.

I'm humbled to have God choose me for this mission. Would you consider supporting my mission? Prayer is so powerful and so I would ask for you to pray for the people of Honduras who I will encounter. Additionally, if you feel called, you may also make a donation to help support my work. Thanks so much and God bless!

How would you like to support?

