God Doesn’t Call the Equipped; He Equips the Called
by Stacy Bruce
Campaign has ended
Hello Friends and Family!
This summer I have an exciting opportunity to serve the Lord on a mission trip with the African Children's Mission (ACM). Our team will arrive in Entebbe, Uganda on May 29, 2023 and will serve for 12 days on a dairy ranch in a rural area north of the capital of Kampala. We will work alongside the national staff with over 3,000 children supported by ACM, and will use our gifts and talents to serve in various ways:
-Assisting with ACM feeding program
-Tutoring children at the primary school in English and math
-Mentoring youth
-Teaching computer skills
-Organizing and implementing "Activity Days" at several different school locations
-Serving at the local health clinic
-Construction and well repairs
One of the biggest ways you can help is to pray for our team, the ministry we will perform, and for me personally as I accept this calling to serve. A second way you can help is by assisting financially.
The cost for me to serve on this amazing mission trip is approximately $3200, which I am responsible for raising over the next 6 weeks. Please pray with me that the funds to cover my trip expenses will be provided. If you feel led to give, it would be such a blessing, and very much appreciated! All donations are tax deductible, and in the event that I raise more than necessary to cover my expenses, the extra will be used towards the general ministry and work of ACM.
May God bless you as you prayerfully consider your involvement in
this mission trip!
grateful appreciation,
P.S.-To learn more about ACM visit www.africanchildrensmission.org.
How would you like to support?