

Michael Forbes




This will be my second time participating in the Driftless Flyathlon. 2019 was my first year living back in the midwest after many years in Alaska, and I found the Driftless Flyathlon to be the perfect combination of all of the things that I love: cold water streams full of trout, beautiful landscapes, and the presence of my family. I want to be a part of preserving this area so that I can continue to enjoy it with my family for years to come, and the people running the Flyathlon are doing the type of work that will do exactly that. 

Event Fundraising Goal: $10,000 Campaign 

Tax ID: 81-1625829 

At Running Rivers, we firmly believe that the best way to ensure the preservation, protection, and maintenance of our irreplaceable public lands and waters is to develop and foster the stewards who will stand up in their defense. Our programs create unique opportunities for people to experience public lands and waters in novel and fun ways, to expand their depth of understanding of the importance of healthy functioning freshwater ecosystems, and to invest in their time, money, and sweat through on-the-ground stewardship projects. The Driftless Flyathlon is a unique, conservation-minded race event that integrates three of the world's greatest activities; trail running, fly-fishing, and craft beer. The premise is simple... 

run. fish. beer. 

Most importantly, the Driftless Flyathlon is a fundraising event for coldwater conservation projects, with a focus on native trout in Iowa. We will be raising money through our 501(c)(3) organization, Running Rivers. Since 2014, our Flyathlon races have raised more than $250,000 for native trout related projects in Iowa and Colorado, completed through our diverse conservation partners, including Iowa Trout Unlimited, Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Colorado Trout Unlimited, the Western Native Trout Initiative, Colorado Parks and Wildlife, the National Park Service, and the U.S. Bureau of Land Management.  

And while we are a Colorado-based 501(c)(3), rest assured that all funds raised through the Driftless Flyathlon will be spent on projects in Iowa!!!  These are a couple of the projects that were taken on in 2018 with funds raised through past Driftless Flyathlon events: 

  • We have committed $25,000 to support a large-scale water quality improvement / bank stabilization effort within the Yellow River State Forest.
  • We partnered with Iowa DNR to resurface the trails in the Yellow River State Forest to prevent erosion into the creeks and to make the trails more functional for recreation.
  • We funded the construction of an educational kiosk in the Yellow River State Forest that will educate visitors about the importance of this ecosystem and the native brook trout that reside within.  
  • We funded a study that sampled a wild population of Iowa native brook trout for the collection and subsequent genetic analysis of fin clips to assess genetic uniqueness and purity of this population.

To see more projects that have been completed with Flyathlon funds in Colorado and Iowa over the past 5 years, please visit:

Now is a critical time to invest in the preservation of our public lands and waters. Because Running Rivers is a recognized 501c3 organization, your donations are tax deductible. run. fish. beer. donate! 

Running Rivers

