

Looking for a small miricale from some kind hearted people to get Ozzy some medical help.

by Jessica Robertson




Campaign has ended


We moved to Virginia and couple months ago. Ozzy had seen a vet before we moved but they did NOT examine him correctly. They just gave him a steroid and antibiotic and sent him on his way.  I have found what is either very swollen and sore glands or maybe abscess on the underside of his jaw. He cannot eat or clean himself without pain and is dropping weight fast. We love him very much and are very worried about him. When we moved here my boyfriend had the promise of a job in writing and when we uprooted our whole family and moved here they said "we don't need you we are no longer hiring". He has the emails stating he has a job with them and it didn't matter. Since then he has been struggling to find work even though he has a degree and business and 10 years experience as a C.O. in NYS prisons. We are really struggling but Ozzy really needs to see a vet and I don't know what to do. Any help would be so SO greatly appreciated. I need a tiny miracle so I can get him the help he needs and deserves. 

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