My 3 Blessings
by Patricia Fox
My baby girl Ariel developed fluid in her lungs 05/21/23, I have been in 2 different doctors offices before reaching Partners Urgent Care in Richmond. They have been completely nice to my and my fur daughter, a lot went on in the day to the point I had to take her home without proper treatment. Prayers and Faith kept us thru the night. 05/22/23 I received a call from Ashley at Partners stating that I can bring Ariel back. Ashley met me at my car to receive Ariel. 2 Doctors came in, gave me updates and By Gods Grace, Improvement was made! I was given a total to keep Ariel. I was given a number to call an by my surprise.. God had an angel waiting for my call. I told her (not sure if I can say her name) what happen and she approved me right away for assistance. My Ariel is able to stay and continue treatment. Thank you all so much for allowing God to touch your heart and bless me and my family.
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