Urgent need for urinary blockage/hospitalization
by Brittany Vaughan
Campaign has ended
Meet sweet skippy. He has had a difficult life before I rescued him at 4 months old from an extremely abusive situation. He is a VERY sweet boy who is funny, loving, and an ESA for myself. He has helped me get through some VERY difficult times.
Skippy is a very affectionate but skittish boy (due to being abused before I rescued him). He loves to cuddle, play, and talk. His favorite thing to do is cuddle in bed under the blankets at night.
He loves playing with his furry siblings, stealing socks and hiding them throughout the house. He also loves to cuddle and run through the house chirping with his favorite toy in his mouth.
Sadly, three weeks ago he developed a blockage. As I couldn’t afford to have him hospitalized I decided to get treat him with the flush and go option. Sadly, he has developed another blockage. I am currently not working due to being a single mom of a disabled child and having health issues of my own atm. He is in desperate need of life saving surgery which is expected to cost upwards of $3k.
I’m a single mom of a disabled child. My family has gone through a lot in my past 16 mos which includes relocating, car accident, loosing 2 family members, not being able to work due to health/personal issues. Sadly, I have no emergency fund. Please help us as he is my baby.
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