

Help with Toulouse's ongoing medical expenses and diagnostics

by Wesley Creech




Campaign has ended


My sweet boy Toulouse aka Goose has been in and out of the emergency vet/vet specialists six times in the last three weeks, because of a flare up related to chronic urinary problems, these visits have already cost me and my partner thousands. Toulouse has had PU surgery in the past and currently has no blockages, but his bladder has expanded over time and on December 1st he was taken to the emergency vet again because he had not urinated in 3 days. Vets removed 500 mL of urine from him and said his bladder could have easily ruptured if he had not gotten treatment, it is likely he will have to get his bladder drained in a vets office every few days for the foreseeable future. Each visit to do this costs between $200 and $400. The vets said his refusal to pee may be from a tumor in either his brain or spinal cord blocking the messages his bladder is trying to send, but to know would require a MRI and then potentially surgery. The MRI consultation alone is $280 and the MRI is currently estimated to be 2.5k-3.6k and the frequent visits to drain his bladder will make it impossible for us to save for his needed MRI. Our goal as of right now is 5k to fundraise for both the MRI and consultation, coverage for some of the bladder drainage appointments at the vet, and other unforeseen costs. Toulouse is a deeply loved member of his family and is otherwise in great health for his age. Any donations made would be appreciated.

Toulouse when he was only about 8 weeks old. I've had him since he was a kitten.

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